Adult Services
Join us on Goodreads! Here is BML’s Goodreads account!
BML has a subscription to Booklist and here is a link for patrons to access the digital Booklist Reader!
BML offers regular programs like Book Clubs, the Crafting Connection, and Technical Help as well as special programs for many different interests. View our programs below. If you don’t see something that strikes your fancy – Please Ask!
One-on-one Computer Help!Drop ins okay or call for an Appointment.
Library of Things & Bakeware Collection to Check out
BML’s Culinary Club
2nd Wednesdays 6:30 pm
In this unique book club we discuss our favorite recipes and what we bring to the meeting. If you need inspiration we have cookbooks to help! A requirement of the club is to bring a dish to the meeting. We will meet at the library. Please register or call 860-345-2204.
Continuing the Crafting Connection!
The Crafting Connection is a monthly in-person program!
We meet every 2nd Monday at 5:30.
Join us each month to learn and create something new!
Brainerd Book Club
This group is not staff-run but hosted by the library. They meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm. The book choices are rather eclectic as they try to select from a diversity of genres. Discussion is always friendly and expansive. All are welcome to join. The library orders books in advance which can be checked out as needed. Click here for more info.
Friends of BML
Thursdays at 10:00 AM
In the Book Nook [corner behind Non-fiction]
You do not need to attend the Thursday meetings to be a Friend.
Please join us, all are welcome!
The Writers Group
They meet from 10 AM – 12 PM on Thursdays in the History Room.