Brainerd Memorial Library
920 SAYBROOK ROAD, HADDAM, CT 06438     P:860.345.2204

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Building for the Future…

Add a brick to our walkway!

The new walkway at the Library offers the opportunity for you to be a part of the future.

Purchasing a customized brick is a wonderful way to pay tribute to or memorialize a friend or loved one, share a message, or give as a gift.

The brick will be visible to all as they enter our beautiful, historic building.


There are 2 sizes of bricks available now, but there is a limited supply so Book a Brick soon!

4×8 $100

3 lines of text with 18 characters in each line

There are some basic symbols that can be added to bricks for an additional $10 each.  Please add a note to your form and we will do our best to add the symbol.

8×8 $250

6 lines of text with 18 characters in each line

12×12 $500  SOLD OUT!

8 lines of text with 15 characters in each line



Here is a list of symbols you can add to your brick for an additional $10.

~How to order your Brick~

Open a PDF in the brick links, print the form and mail it with your check to the library.

If you add a stock symbol – you will be charged an additional $10 per symbol.

You will be contacted to verify spelling and to confirm the order.

Engraved bricks will be installed in groups throughout the year [weather permitting].

Thank you for your donation and participation in the BML Book a Brick project!

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