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BML Bookface Challenge!

Princess Grace BookfaceBML’s Bookface Challenge! Ends August 31st

Get your face in a book! Two $20 Amazon gift certificates will be awarded.

Here is an entertaining link for more examples. 

And another Pinterest Page.  Have fun!

(Source: illestflow, via nakedbookshelf) :) - Crafted from the finest Internets. INSTAGRAMDA YENİ TREND #BOOKFACE - Star Wars When Fraser Met Billy Book Cover

How to take this challenge:

  • Use the book cover you choose to create a striking photo that will blur the lines of reality by replacing the book’s cover with parts of yourself. Look at the links for inspiration.

  • Snap a clear picture.

  • Email your bookface picture to Robbie

  • Use “bookface” in the subject line of your email. Provide your name and address and then attach your picture.


  • If the face on the book cover is the same size as your face, hold the book close.

  • If larger than your face, hold the book further away.

  • Get friends involved, to hold the book, take the photo, or to pose with you with their own bookface.

  • Dare to be different: Let your creativity soar!

  • Don’t forget to peruse your children’s & young adult titles!

From the staff…


Robbie’s Bookface