Brainerd Memorial Library
920 SAYBROOK ROAD, HADDAM, CT 06438     P:860.345.2204  

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Library Hours

Mon & Thurs: 10-6
Tues & Wed: 10-8
Friday: 10-6
Saturday: 10-3

What’s happening…

Announcing our 7th Annual Agricultural Day! 

Saturday, May 31st from 10-2

BML will host:  The Higganum Farmers Market!  As well as animals; farm machines; free crafts; Meig’s Point mobile nature unit; music; books, baked goods, & plant sales; raffles & more!

Put us on your calendar and plan for a lovely outing!

Did you know the Brainerd Library is part of the CT State Troopers’ Safe Place Program?

This program is a partnership between businesses and the CT State Police to provide a safe place for victims of active crimes until law enforcement arrives.  

BML is Open!

Please use the upper level entrance off the main parking lot. The lower level is closed for renovation. Children’s and Teen’s materials & programs are on the main level until the lower level is complete. Due to the work in progress there is no access to restrooms. Town Hall or the Senior Center are the closest facilities.

We apologize for the inconvenience and look forward to seeing all our patrons. This time – upstairs! Thank you for your patience & continued support.

Calling all Swifties!

Ms. Marissa is starting a new club at Brainerd! Each month will feature a craft based on an album (TV, of course!).😉

Wear your cutest cardigan and join us for some fun! ❤️



Birding Backpack Available to Borrow!

The Community Foundation of Middlesex County presented BML with a birding backpack.

It includes: binoculars, birdsong guide book, bird ID guide, pocket guide to bugs, bug collector kit, information & ideas for exploring nature, and outdoor scavenger hunt cards. This backpack is available for patrons to check out and take along on a nature & birding adventure.  Ask at the circulation desk to borrow!

NEW!  Afternoon Crafts!

And Puzzle Club!

Drop-in Crafts – Wednesdays 1:30 – 3:30

Patrons asked for an adult daytime craft program.  We’re pleased to provide projects in our warm, bright library!

Puzzle Club -1st & 3rd Mondays  11 – 1

No need to go out after dark.  Come in, relax, socialize, & create!

The Crafting Connection: April & May Evening Crafts 5:30pm

April 2nd: Propagation Station        Register here.

April 16th: Button Bracelets            Registration opening soon…

May 7th: Tea Cup Gnomes              Registration opening soon…


We still need squares to finish the quilt! 

If you have one please drop it off – we’d be pleased to include it! 


The Book Nook has returned [in its usual location in the back corner] with some enjoyable and interesting titles for perusal and purchase.  Maybe pick up some surprises for family and friends!  Best prices in CT

Sign up for our E-Newsletters!  Don’t miss anything! Events, Programs, & Activities, New Resources, Friends’ News, New Materials & Services, and Local News & Important Information. 

For a more interactive experience, visit our Social Media sites.

Genealogy at BML

The History Series Continues!

Join us: 3rd Tuesdays at 6pm 

Here is a link to to begin your family searches.

Booklist Reader is here!

Booklist Reader is a magazine that features diverse readers’ advisory recommendations for readers & listeners of all ages. It’s filled with high-interest, top 10 themed lists showcasing books you can read & check out now. Booklist Reader’s pages also provide read-alikes, trend alerts, & new releases, plus content from their partners; LibraryReads & PBS Books.  Copies of Booklist Reader at the check out area.  Don’t forget to pick up your copy!  

BML magazines include: The Atlantic, Better Homes & Gardens, Birds & Blooms, Booklist, CT Magazine, Consumer Reports, Family Handyman, People, Prevention, National Geographic, Taste of Home, & Yankee to check out.

Brainerd Book Club

Meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm   

This group is not staff-run but hosted by the library. They meet on the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at a member’s home until the renovations are completed. Email Marijean for the location at The book choices are rather eclectic as they try to select from diverse genres. Discussion is always friendly and expansive. All are welcome to join. BML orders books in advance which can be checked out as needed.  Click here for more info…

Click on the image to access Workforce Solutions through ResearchIT CT!

Whether you’re looking to find a new job in your field or career in a different industry, Job & Career Accelerator™ has the powerful tools and expert guidance to help you through the process. Job & Career Accelerator™ puts everything you need to land a job in one place. For more Job Related Resources [Search Sites, Webinars, Resume help] visit our Job Search page!

BML offers a pass to the:

Mashantucket Pequot Museum & Research Center!

Ask at the Children’s Desk, where all museum passes are held.


BML’s Game Collection!

Brainerd Library has a fine collection of board games for all ages and Nintendo Switch games for checkout!  Call or check the catalog to see what’s available.  When it’s too wet or cold to play outside, stop in and grab one of these games!

Open Library and Internet Archive

Non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.

Building for the Future:  Book-a-Brick Renovation Campaign

BML holds 2 passes to the Hill-Stead Museum!

The passes may be checked out and provide 50% off general admission for 2 adults & 2 children. List of Museum Passes

Link to Hill-Stead Museum Website

Hill-Stead was the first architectural project of Theodate Pope Riddle (1867–1946), one of the first licensed female architects in the U.S.  The Colonial Revival mansion is one of the few remaining representations of early-20th-century country estates with 152 acres. Hill-Stead gives a personal view of renowned masterpieces, and decorative arts. Paintings include: Monet, Degas, Whistler, Manet & Cassatt.

Let’s Play!

Visit our games & puzzles page!  There are daily puzzles, online games like Wordle, Tetris, Mahjong Solitaire, jigsaws [even create your own] and more fun distractions to try.

Libby by Overdrive

Phone & Tablet app for Downloadable eBooks, audiobooks & magazines.  Libby can also send library books to your Kindle.

Materials may be borrowed for 14 days.
Materials may be renewed for 14 days if there are no holds on the items.

10 loans at one time


“Resume lab” and live, online job coaches help job seekers: target suitable jobs, prepare and practice for job interviews.  The Adult Learning Center provides: career-enhancing skills through test preparation (including GED and the U.S. Citizenship Test) and live, online academic tutors for writing assistance, computer literacy, and software assistance.