Brainerd Memorial Library
920 SAYBROOK ROAD, HADDAM, CT 06438     P:860.345.2204

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Board of Trustees

trusteesOfficers and Board of Trustees

Terry Twigg, President

Mary Ellen Karkutt-Kulak, Vice President
Terry SmithComptroller: Margaret Adams, Secretary: Lynne Cooper, Treasurer

Trustees: Kaycee Blancaflor, Marijean Conrad; Pamela Crum; Holly Jarrell; David Neal; Lorraine Riess, Susan Thompson

The Board of Trustees typically meets the 4th Tuesday each month at 6:30 PM

[with the exception of July and December.]


*Committees members who are not Trustees. The President of the Board (or designee) serves as an ex officio member on all Committees. Similarly, the Library Director participates in most committee work, in a non-voting capacity. Committee participation may change during the course of the year.

Building and Grounds: Chair: David Neal; Myra Aronow; *Raul de Brigard; *Betty Devlin; Lorraine Riess; *Belle Seggerman

Capital Plan: Chair: Margaret Adams; Lynne Cooper; Pam Crum; *Raul de Brigard; *Robbie Marshall

Capital Plan Design [Sub-Committee]: Chair: Margaret Adams; Lynne Cooper; Pam Crum; *Raul de Brigard; *Robbie Marshall: *Nancy Meyers

Communications: Chair: TBD: *Donna Brinckerhoff; Scott Brinckerhoff; Marijean Conrad

Development & Planning: Chair: Mary Ellen Karkutt-Kulak; Marijean Conrad; Lynne Cooper; Holly Jarrell

Events Development & Planning: Chairs: Marijean Conrad; *Elizabeth Adams; Donna Brinckerhoff; Pam Crum; Mary Ellen Karkutt-Kulak; *Debbie Karpf; *Lynn MacLennan; *B.J. Noonan; *Belle Seggerman; *Doreen Staskelunas

Finance: Chair: Terry Smith; Margaret Adams; Lynne Cooper; *Raul de Brigard; Mary Ellen Karkutt-Kulak

Friends: Chair: Kaycee Blancaflor; Secretary: *Betty Devlin; Treasurer: *Robbie Marshall

Interior Renovation: Chair: Lorraine Riess; Myra Aronow; *Brainerd Staff; *Betsy Clifford; *Lynn MacLennan; David Neal; *Deborah Rutter; *Belle Segerman

Nominating: Chair: Marijean Conrad; Holly Jarrell

Personnel & Policy; Chair: Holly Jarrell; Marijean Conrad; Lynne Cooper; Terry Smith

Strategic Plan: Chair: Lynne Cooper; *Elizabeth Anderson; *Raul de Brigard; Mary Ellen Karkutt-Kulak;

Board Minutes

Note: The Board holds 10 scheduled meetings a year, skipping July & December.

1-23-241-24-231-25-221-26-211-28-20 1-15-19 Special1- 23-18
1-25-24 Special2-28-232-22-222-1-21 Special2-25-201-29-191-27-18
2-7-24 Special4-25-234-26-223-23-216-23-203-26-19 5-1-18
2-20-24 Special5-23-235-24-224-27-218-25-20 4-23-195-22-18
2-27-243-28-233-22-22 2-23-213-11-202-26-193-26-18
3-13-24 Special8-22-236-28-225-25-219-22-205-28-19 6-26-18
4-13-24 Special Meeting10-24-2310-25-228-24-21 8-27-199-25-18
4-23-2412-4-2311-15-229- 28-219-24-19
June 11-16-2111-17-2011-19-1911-27-18